Monday, June 19, 2017

Post 10: English Language Challenges

Hi...Well, I think that English subject is very important in all career. In this university, I think that English subject is not much specific. I think that the use of English in different career changes, because it depends on the type of jargon. In this case, I learned very much about English, but I would like to learn more about English in connection with Psychology. 
Anyway, I like very much learning English, because when I started to study in this university, I didn´t speak English. I knew absolutely nothing about English. 
I think that the use of blog is a good way for learning English, because it is creative and innovative. This way connects the English language with reality or daily use of English in different contexts.
But I need more practice in the oral English. For me, the pronunciation of English is very hard. In addition, I have many problems with grammar when I have to speak English. For this reason, I plan to study English again when I finish this career. I would like to learn more. Besides, I would like to travel to England to practice and speak English all time.
Also, I try to practice English now. For example, outside the English class, I watch many videos or series in English. I use subtitles in English to practice oral and written English. Almost always I understand half of the conversations. It´s better than nothing. 
As well as I try to sing in English. For this reason, I look for the lyrics in English and I try to understand what it says. 
Sometimes, I practice my English when I translate words or conversations in English for any member of my family. I try to explain the meanings or grammar uses. Anyway, almost always I have more and more and more questions about this topic. I hope to learn more in the future.

Monday, June 12, 2017

Post 9: Changes to my Study Programme

Hi! I think that when I started to study in University of Chile I idealized this faculty and all university. 
I study Psychology in the JGM, University of Chile. I love my career, but I think that the curriculum could get better. For example, I think that the practice in this career had to be the most important. I would like that the students could practice with patients since early years. In this practice, obviously, an expert or teacher had to help
In my opinion, the workload is appropriate, except for the last year, because in this year the students will make the professional practice, the diploma course and the thesis. Almost, any student could finish in these conditions. I think that the faculty direction could plan better these final activities in the career. 
Another neccesary improvement is the reading room, because in Facso there is not sufficient space for all students. Also, in this faculty there are not quiet places. The students talk in all places, even in this library :( So...I would like that the faculty had more quiet areas and more learning resources centers, because in this moment it has many students.
In addition, in this faculty there are not  sufficient prepared places for disabled persons. The elevator is very old and it has many stairs. The floor is not prepared and the bathrooms are very narrow. The faculty has an enormous debt in this topic.
Also, I would like that the curriculum in this career included more subjects about different languages. For example, I don´t speak English very well and I would like to learn more, but it is very hard for me. I think the learning of other languages is very important today.


Monday, June 5, 2017

Post 8: Winter Holidays

Hi! Woow...the winter holidays...In this moment, I see the winter holidays like a distant future, because this semester has been tiring and eternal. Really, I am looking forward  to winter holidays anxiously...
I think that I couldn´t visit places in this holidays, because I am broke. the hypothetical case...I would like to visit the Machu Picchu, in Peru. This place is very beautiful and magical, so...I have a dream about visiting the Machu Picchu someday. In addition, the best weather to visit this place is in the winter holidays, because in this winter Machu Picchu will be in the dry season. In the dry season, the sun in Machu Picchu shines all the time and I could walk without difficulties. 
Besides, I would like to be with my friends, Melisa, Vania and Valentina, and my family in these holidays. All these people live in San Felipe, so...I don´t see them very offen in this period of the year. When I travel to Santiago, I miss them very much. 
In this winter holidays, I plan to do many different activities, but the most important activity is sleeping and resting. Because, in this semester I can´t sleep very well and I participated in many activities in the University. Today, I am exhausted. 
Other activities what I would like to do in these holidays are climbing, going for a walk outdoors, reading many different books, watching many movies and learning to play piano. But...also, I plan to study to Lacan in these holidays, because I need to learn more about this author. The work of this author is very hard to understand. In addition, I plan to study about psychoanalysis. 
So...I am anxiously waiting these holidays!!

Monday, May 22, 2017

Post 7: My Favorite TV Show

Hi! :D
Mmm...I don´t like TV that much, so I don´t have a favorite TV Show, but I think I like "31 minutos", the Chilean animated serie.   "31 minutos" is a series created by Aplaplac in 2003 and it is emitted from National Television of Chile (TVN). This series is a parody to "60 minutos", a news programme of TVN in 1980. 
The serie was about the adventures of the news programme team. In the work of this team happened crazy and strange things. 
The leader of team is Tulio Triviño, the news presenter. This character was accompanied by Juan Carlos Bodoque, my favorite character, a red rabit and brillant reporter of "La Nota Verde". Other characters were Juanín, the image producer; Policarpo, a spectacle reporter; Mico, "el Micófono", a loving microphone and survey taker; Calcetín con Rombos Man, a superhero, among others. 
My favorite episode is what happened in an episode: the fight between the "Zapandillas" and "Bototos". The "Zapandillas" they are a criminal group in the city and they wreaked havoc. But the "Bototos", another group of the streets, arrived in the city and fought with them. 
I liked this episode very much, because it is a funny and creative one. The creators invented a great story and I laughted very much. The "Zapandillas" remainded me some social group in my district. 

Monday, May 15, 2017

Post 6: Post graduate Studies

Hi everybody! 
Well...I´m a very inquisitive and restless person...for this reason, I want to keep studying. I would take the postgraduate courses in the future, but I don´t know which. I think that this postgraduate have to about the psychology of community or psychology of old age. I would take this postgraduate courses, because take responsability for two topics very important in this moment in the world. I think that this topics are very interesting. 
But...I interest in other topics of others careers. For example, I would take a course of Literature, Philosophy, Arts or English. I think that I need to learn English, because it´s very necessary in the laboral world today. In addition, I like very much the Arts and Philosophy, because this subjects, in the school and university, I asked for the life, the society and the human race.  
I would like to study in other countries, but I don´t know which, again. If I study in other countries, I will travel. ¡A great idea! I think I would like to study in Spanish, because in there are a good postgraduate courses in psychology. Also, I would like to study in England, because in this place I will learn English and study at the same time. 
Besides, I would like to study at the part-time courses, because I could work at the same time. I could pay this postgraduate courses and I could be a economic independent person.
But...I don´t know what will happen in the future, it´s just a matter of time. 

Monday, May 8, 2017

Post 5: My future Job

Hi again! 
Today I will not go to English´s class, but I will try to write the post in my house (I hope I don´t make mistakes with grammar :( ).
Well...First, I would like to have a psychologist job...but I don´t know what I really want for the future. I am a very indecisive person! And I am curious too! So...It´s complicated this topic for me.
Sometimes I think... I would like to have a job as a clinical psychologist. But lately research and writing have become very interesting to me. And I've been thinking about teaching. But this is very scary, because I don´t know if I can know so much in the future.
I imagine a job in which I can write (I love writing), learn a lot and remain a curious person. Am I asking for a lot? Maybe :(
I don´t worry that the work is done inside or outside, because both things are interesting. Anyway, I think it is better to seek a balance between both options. 
I would like very much to travel in my work, but if I traveled always, I would feel that I don´t belong anywhere. In addition, I think I'd be bored in an office. If I were in an office all the time, I would hate my job.
Mmm...I think I prefer to travel jajaja...
Now, I'm studying Psychology. But in the future I would like to study Literature and (or) Philosophy.
I like these three careers, because they are related to writing and because they are tools to learn about people. Also, these are topics that I find very interesting.
Finally ... I think I don´t really know what will happen in the future.
But I think my work should really like me. Only then I will know that I will do very well.

Monday, April 24, 2017

Post 4: Someone I´d like to meet

Hi (again)! 
Today, I´m going to speak about someone I´d like to meet. This person is very famous and probably many persons know who he is. This person is my favorite writer, the genius: Gabriel García Márquez. 
Unfortunately, meeting this writer is impossible, because Gabo died in 2014 when he was 87 years old. So... I would never meet Gabriel, this is only a dream :(
Gabriel García Márquez or "Gabo" was a writer, scriptwriter, editor and Colombian journalist. He wrote the famous novel "Cien años de soledad" and other works like "El Coronel no tiene quien le escriba" or "Crónica de una muerte anunciada". 
In reality, I will never know how Gabo was, I don´t know his personality, but I can imagine how he was. For example, I suppose that Gabriel was very creative and sensible, because in his books the characters  were interesting persons and they were like real persons with real problems. Also, I suppose that Gabriel was funny and intelligent, because his books narrate crazy and complicated stories. For example, I laughted very much when "Remedios", the beautiful, left flying with the bed sheet. 
What I admire most about Gabriel García Márquez is that he invented the "Realismo Mágico", a new literary movement of Latin American and all world. Personally, I also admire, because he created Macondo, a fictitious small village. I liked Macondo very much and his strange logic, because I remember the children´s stories and I get inspired to create new stories and metaphors. 
In addition, he won the Nobel prize of literature in 1982, in other words, he was a fourth Latinoamerican that won the Nobel prize, an enormous accomplishment. 
 So...It is very sad that I could never get to know Gabito :(

   Resultado de imagen para remedios la bella dibujo

Monday, April 17, 2017

Post 3: Election Day

Hi everybody! we speak about elections...a topic very complicated and irritating. 
So...the first: I will vote in the presidential elections of this year...CHAN CHAN CHAN!
¿Why? Because I interested in politics and what can happen in this country, although I think that the Chilean politicians are not reliable.
In addition, I think that the electoral campaigns until now don´t propose new ideas. I think that they are ridiculous. But...still there is a hope, because the electoral campaigns are not clearly defined yet. For example, I think that if Beatriz Sánchez postulated to presidency, I would vote for her. Maybe. 
With this in mind, I think that the person fot the public position should be a responsible, honest and consistent person. Also, this person should take responsibility for the problems and demands of the Chilean people. 
In the past, when I was a student of school, I considered to get involved in the students´union, because I wanted to help my schoolmates. But I changed my opinion, because I thought that I didn´t have sufficient eloquence and conviction. 
Having said that, I think that it is necessary to make a constructive criticism to the electoral campaigns in Chile, because just thus we can build a better country. I think that the Chilean politicians should include proposal about main priority of the Chileans. For example, they should include AFP proposal or serious proposal to free education (Please!!). There is still a lot to do. 

Monday, April 10, 2017

Post 2: The best concert ever

Hi, everybody!
Woow...Not even I can speak about this concert. This concert is the most wonderful and crazy concert I have ever attended in my life. But...almost I died.
So...I attended to Guns n´ Roses Concert in the Estadio Nacional on 29th October 2016 at 21 hours. That day I met with my mom and my friends, Melisa and Jota, in the preliminary line outside of the Estadio Nacional. In that line we sang the Guns n´Roses songs and we spoke with the other fanatics. There were fanatics of all parts of Chile. For example, we spoke with one fan of Punta Arenas, he travelled a complete day, but he was very excited.
I liked that concert very much, because I could see to almost original band of the 1985: Axl, Duff and the genious, Slash. The audience was very excited and turbulent. Some persons fainted, because there wasn´t air to breathe. For example, I was in the second line, I could see well to the band, but the fanatics squashed me and I couldn´t breathe. Finally, my mom and my friends saved me.
The rest of this concert was emotional, I could remember other times of my life.
Even today, I can´t believe. I will never forget.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Post 1: A country I would like to visit

Hi everyone! 
Well, I would like to visit to Italy someday, because I think that Italy is a very magical and exotic country. In this place I can have adventures and it would be interesting.
I know that Italy is a country with many works of arts, museums and complex architecture. For example, in Italy you can find the Gioconda,  and the Agripa´s mausoleum. Also, I know in this country there are many kinds of cheese and wine.
Another interesting thing from Italy is the language. I think the Italian is a musical and melodious language. I like it. 
For this reasons, I would like to visit the museums of art and learn very much about the artists. Also, I would like to visit the vineyard and I would like to taste the different wines. 
I like very much cheese, so... I would like to eat a lot of cheese.
Additionally, I would like to work in Italy for a year in the production of cheese, because I will show this recipe to my family. Then we have a perfect dinner with cheese and wine from Italy.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Happy Presentation

Hello! My name is Javiera Urbina, I am twenty three years old and I study Psychology.
I have many expectations for this English class, because I want to travel to Europe or United States someday. So...I hope to learn to speak in English and understand this language.
In my family no one speaks English. For that reason, I have many weaknesses in English. For example I have difficulties for learning to write and it is very hard to understand the words and the grammar.
But...also I have some strenghts, because I can understand when someone is speaking in English. Sometimes I can read or sing in English.
That´s all! Bye!