Monday, April 10, 2017

Post 2: The best concert ever

Hi, everybody!
Woow...Not even I can speak about this concert. This concert is the most wonderful and crazy concert I have ever attended in my life. But...almost I died.
So...I attended to Guns n´ Roses Concert in the Estadio Nacional on 29th October 2016 at 21 hours. That day I met with my mom and my friends, Melisa and Jota, in the preliminary line outside of the Estadio Nacional. In that line we sang the Guns n´Roses songs and we spoke with the other fanatics. There were fanatics of all parts of Chile. For example, we spoke with one fan of Punta Arenas, he travelled a complete day, but he was very excited.
I liked that concert very much, because I could see to almost original band of the 1985: Axl, Duff and the genious, Slash. The audience was very excited and turbulent. Some persons fainted, because there wasn´t air to breathe. For example, I was in the second line, I could see well to the band, but the fanatics squashed me and I couldn´t breathe. Finally, my mom and my friends saved me.
The rest of this concert was emotional, I could remember other times of my life.
Even today, I can´t believe. I will never forget.


  1. Their are a good group, that was a very intense concert

  2. wooow great pictures!! I dont imagine going to a concert with my mom! but thats nice

    1. My mom has always been a fan of Guns N Roses. She had the dream of going to this concert, so...I invited her.
      She is not like the typical moms, she is crazy and adventurous ;)
